Organic agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems, and people. It relies on ecological principles and practices that foster cycling and use of natural resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. Organic farming is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems, and people. It relies on ecological processes to convert natural inputs into healthy food.
Omex Opal (The Insecticidal Soap)
OPAL® INSECTICIDAL SOAP • Opal® Insecticidal Soap is a contact insecticide that controls a variety of commongarden and crop pests. The easy-to-apply spray can be used indoors, outdoors,and in greenhouses.• Opal® Insecticidal Soap does not...
Omex OrganoHume (Improved soil condition, CEC and nutrients uptake)
For other Omex Products, Click Here or go to Click Here for Price(MRSP)
Omex Primer Pulse (The Trigger for Root Growth & Nodulation)
WHAT IS IT? • Seed dressing for application onto pulse seed (peas, lentils, chickpeas, … ).• Calcium-based seed dressing.• Rhizobia-friendly formulation.• The Gel Rheology TechnologyTM keeps the highly concentrated product suspendedand helps with seed adhesion...
Omex Slug & Snail Killer
For other Omex Products, Click Here or go to Click Here for Price(MRSP)
Omex Super B (The Readily Available Boron)
For other Omex Products, Click Here or go to Click Here for Price(MRSP)
Omex Fulvic Acid
WHAT IS IT? • A liquid gypsum suspension of calcium and sulfur (Ca:S = 35:25).• Meant for in-furrow (through the UAN shoot not with phosphate) or foliar application.• Easier to handle and use than spreading...
Omex Sunalta B (The Boron Solution for Seriously Deficient Soils)
WHAT IS IT? • Concentrated solution of boron in a borate form suitable for soil application.• Fully soluble and the most appropriate form to provide boron in a soil solution in atimely manner for annual...
Omex GypFlow (The Liquid Gypsum)
WHAT IS IT? • A liquid gypsum suspension of calcium and sulfur (Ca:S = 35:25).• Meant for in-furrow (through the UAN shoot not with phosphate) or foliar application.• Easier to handle and use than spreading...
Omex Agriflora Soil (The Microbial Supplement for Enhanced Production & Health)
WHAT IS IT? • CFIA-registered supplement: Reg. # 2017129A, Fertilizers Act.• Agriflora SoilTM is a microbial supplement designed to enhance plant growthand development, nutrients uptake, the overall health, yield and quality.• Agriflora SoilTM is formulated...
Omex Agriflora Foilar (The Sprayable Microbial Supplement)
WHAT IS IT? • CFIA-registered supplement: Reg. # 2017129A, Fertilizers Act.• Agriflora FoliarTM is a microbial supplement formulated for foliar application to allowan improvement of nutrients uptake, stimulate plant growth and health, and enhanceyield and...
Omex P3 (Advanced Calcium Nutrition)
WHAT IS IT? • P3TM is a low salt index calcium-based liquid fertilizer.• P3TM is a foliar for in-crop spray.• It’s formulated with the Stress Reliever Technology™(offsets the energy re-allocation during stress periods).• The product...
omex Organomex (Grow Organic with OrganomexTM 6-2-4)
WHAT IS IT? • OrganomexTM is the industry standard for certified fertilizer for organically-grown crops.• It’s a liquid suspension fertilizer derived from organically-certified, non-GMO ingredients.• OrganomexTM is an effective multi-purpose fertilizer based on plant extract...
Omex Primer Pulse (The Trigger for Root Growth & Nodulation)
WHAT IS IT? • Seed dressing for application onto pulse seed (peas, lentils, chickpeas, … ).• Calcium-based seed dressing.• Rhizobia-friendly formulation.• The Gel Rheology TechnologyTM keeps the highly concentrated product suspendedand helps with seed adhesion...
Omex SopHtner 95 (The In-Crop pH Reducer and Water Softner)
WHAT IS IT? • SopHtner95TM is a soil and water pH conditioner.• It controls algae and buffers the tank mix spraying solution.• SopHtner95TM is formulated using naturally-occurring organic acids and represents anenvironmentally sound management tool...
Omex Yucca (The Non-Ionic Surfactant, Spreader, Activator)
WHAT IS IT? • CFIA-registered supplement: Reg. # 2018085A, Fertilizers Act.• It is a natural extract of Yucca schidigera, a plant that grows in someof the harshest environments.• YuccaTM is a rich source of steroidal...
OrganoHume (Improved Phosphorus Uptake)
WHAT IS IT? • OrganoHume is a liquid formulation of extracted humate from leonardite ore.• OrganoHume is generally combined with existing soil applied liquid or granular starter fertilizers formulations to improve phosphorus uptake, soil CEC...
Omex Cytokelp (Plant Growth Regulator)
WHAT IS IT? • Cytokelp is a CFIA registered plant growth regulator (Fert. Act # 2015147A).• It contains the growth regulator Kinetin (6-Furfurylaminopurine).• CytokelpTM also contains Kelp and Yucca extracts that are well documented to beinvolved...